Class of
Country of origin: France, French Republic
Mobility: FR - PL - FR
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student, University of Lille 1, France
Mobility: FR - PL - PT
Current postion/job tittle: ITN Marie Curie PhD student at University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Current postion/job tittle:
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student at Sorbonne University
Mobility: FR - PT - FR
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Mobility: FR - IT - PT
Current postion/job tittle: ITN PhD, University of Bonn / Company Wessling (Germany)
Mobility: FR - IT - IT
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden (Germany) and St Andrews University (Scotland, UK)
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student at CEA Saclay