Class of
Country of origin: France, French Republic
Mobility: FR - IT - FR
Current postion/job tittle: PhD student, ITN-Marie-Curie position, Bari University, Italy
Mobility: FR - PL - PL
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student at Utrecht University (The Netherlands) and Vito company (Belgium)
Mobility: FR - PT - PT
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student Marie Curie ITN ImplantSens at National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland)
Mobility: FR - IT - IT
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student at Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland)
Mobility: FR - PT - IT
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student at SOLEIL Synchrotron (France)
Mobility: FR - PL - FR
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student at Université Paris-Saclay (France)
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student, ITN Marie Curie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
Mobility: FR - PL - PT
Current postion/job tittle: Phd student at INSA Rennes (France)
Mobility: FR - IT - PT
Current postion/job tittle: